Monday, October 30, 2006

A Great Week!

Hello family! I just want to share my amazing last week with everyone. 2 great things happened last week.

The first was Law&Order:SVU. Yes! For those of you who don't know...last week I filmed an episode of Law&Order:SVU. It was such an amazing experience being on the set. The episode was directed by Eriq La Salle....that's the brotha from ER. He was a great director. I learned a lot from him. Thanks Eriq. The episode will air on Tuesday, December 5, @10PM on NBC. Make sure you tune in...I'll be portraying a Resident Doctor in the Burn Unit at Cornell University Medical Center. Also appearing in the episode is Blaire Underwood and Michael Michelle. It's going to be a HOT Episode, so please tune in.

And now the 2nd...this was the icing on the cake. I met 1 of my favorite Brasilian singers on Sunday night ya'll!!!! DANIELA MERCURY!!! I was on cloud 9! CLOUD 9. My coworker and friend, Joel, knows her and introduced us. Well, I had the pleasure of having dinner and drinks with her, and we talked like we had known each other for years. She is so cool! So philosophical, spiritual, and just flat out crazy! She's such a balanced women, and I respect her so much. So I can honestly say that I not only like her music, but I honestly like her as a person. So you know who I'll be hanging with when I return to Salvador...OK!

Well I need some rest. Have a great week everyone.

Do me a favor and take yourself out on a date or buy yourself something good this week. You deserve it.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Where you AT??? Where you AT???

What's up everyone!!! I'm here. I'm here. I've been caught up in the world of myspace again. But I've been working like crazy. I have a small business that I'm launching next month(details to follow), I have begun taking a memoir writing class, I'm still writing my book, still writing songs and poetry, and guess what!!!??????!!!! I'm going to be on Law & Order: SVU. I'll be portraying a Resident Doctor in the hospital scene, and the great Eric Lasalle will be directing this episode! I'm on my way Ya'll!!! I'll update you on the episode soon.

Well I just wanted to send some love to everyone. Hey! Let me know who is reading the blogs. Just send me a quick shot out. I would greatly appreciate that.

What do you guys think about my new business card image above??? Let me know.

If you haven't gotton out to The Public Theater to see Daniel Beaty in his show, "Emergence-See!" YA NEED TO GO NOW!!! What are you WAITIN' ON? It's a very very very powerful show. Please support this brother in his 1 man show as he portrays over 30 characters, telling his story about a father overcoming adversities, to rebuild his family/his community. Daniel tells this story through song, movement, and spoken word.

Before I leave, I just have to send prayers out to the family, and departed soul, of Michael Sandy. Michael, a 29 year old black male, recently became the falling victim of a Gay Bashing incident in NYC. This has got to stop. Hate Crimes are not a way to live. Let's rebuild our community, and take care of our Brothers and Sisters....Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Black, white, Latino, Asian...and I can go on. We only have each other guys. There are a lot of other people in this world who are out to get us, just because we are Americans. So we have to stick together and survive for each other. Let's not be our own enemy.

A personal note to "SELF"...let's be smart when we are online, doing the dating thing. I know it can be exciting, and scary all in one. Just be cautious and really screen these potential dates carefully. That's something we have to do on our own. And if you're feeling unsafe, lost, lonely, or a someone.

I love all of you and thanks for reading my blog.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post "The Steven Evan Experience"

Goodmorning ya'll. So it is like 8AM and I am up so early. I'm up because I had to confirm a mattress delivery with Sleepys. Whew!!! It's early though. For me it feels like it's 5AM. Well I can't get back to sleep so I decided to write, blog, and check email. That's very productive, especially when you have nothing but time. Why not make each minute of your day worthwhile.

You know, as I was thinking, we have 24 hours a day. Technically that's a lot of time to get a lot done...If you plan on NOT sleeping!!! minus...lets say 8 hours...that leaves us at 16 hours. Hmmm...seems like our time is getting kind of limited. Well my question you think that 16 hours is enough time for you, to do what you need to do, in 1 day? And how would you utilize your time to make it worthwhile? What's important to you during your day...priorities..etc??? Is it writing, volunteering, working, going to the gym, getting more naps in, watching television? it would be interesting to know.

Well, I guess you're wondering about the title of the blog, Post "The Steven Evan Experience." Well my dear friend and fellow Lion Kinger, Steven Evan Washington, debut his photographical(is that a word?)artwork(am I using that correctly? LOL) at No Name Cyber Cafe in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I must say the event was truly amazing. Steven had a very successful night. Each photo had a clear and cohesive story. It was like reading a picture book. KUDOS!!! I must also give a shout out to my other fellow friends and Lion Kinger's for making the event a success...Torya of thatgirl006 productions, Kylin(Torya's assistant), Sophia(who graced us with some very smooth,"buttery like", jazz vocals), and the folk who were in attendance. I am thankful that Steven and Torya, allowed me to grace the stage as well, with my original poem and song. It was an amazing night for me because it marked my song debut of "Fly Again." And yes, we were all Flying that night! It is so liberating and so freeing to be able to tell your own story. To be able to sing your own song, and that's what I did, and we all did, on Monday evening.

Next week Monday, 8/28 @ 8PM, I will be performing again. This time at a different venue. The Crowne Theater @ The Producers Club, 358 W. 44th ST(@ 9th AVe.). I'll be doing 2 original poems, and my song "Fly Again". Come on out and show some love. Andy, our drummer @ The Lion King, will accompany me on percussion. It's going to be a great night. There are tons of other singers, musicians, comedians, actors, and poets performing as show all of us some love.

Well I'm about to retire. Get a morning nap in. Hey!!!! It's only like 8:15AM. I was up way early, and I've been productive by blogging. So I deserve a reward. That reward is going to be a nap. I want to leave you with this though...."Sing your song, don't go to your grave with your song inside you...Let it out...Release it and FLY." I heard part of this message at an amazing 1 man show I saw last week. I had to share it. It's a testament to all for our let's do it.

Have a good week everyone!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Something to THINK about Today

So the thought....or "question" of the day is FOOD and it's consistency.

Don't you just love it when you can go to your favorite restaurant, and get your favorite dish? You know, the one you always end up ordering, whenever you try to find something new, but just can't decide...."Good Ole Faithful."
But doesn't it piss you off when it just doesn't taste as good as it taste 3 days ago. Damn!!!! The consistency in food sometimes burns me up. I took a friend to one of my favorite restaurants a couple weeks ago. I was just raving about the food. Well, my friend loved it, but I was disappointed. My dish was not up to standards. So I got to thinking...what is the most consistent and most reliable "comfort" food? Something that will never go wrong. No matter what time of day or hour you eat it...and no matter how long it takes to prepare it????


My answer.........A GOOD ole' Bowl of CEREAL........Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be exact. See, I have never been failed by Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I mean when food fails fails me....friends fail me...boy/girlfriends fail me...when my own pet fails me...and lawdy you know times must be rough because my pets are considered 100% guaranteed unconditional love. Anyhow....I can always rely on my good ole' Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's love is so consistent...24/7...365 days a year.

Have a good day Ya'll...and Go out and I have a bowl of Cereal. You want be disappointed.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why I have not Blogged???

Forgive me everyone. Life just takes you on a roller coaster at times. I am still alive. I have been caught up into the world of myspace. Check me out on myspace if you'd like. All is well with me. The cabaret was a success, Broadway Bares was phenomonal, and I'm moving on to the next thing. Stay tuned......

I am looking for ideas for a one-man show. I'm in the process of working on that. So, if you have any ideas, please email me.

I leave you with this for the week:

We only have this moment. So why wait to see what's
behind door 2 or 3, when what is meant for you,
in this moment,
is waiting for you behind door 1.
Some say, "the best things come to those who wait..."
I say, practice patience, but take action, and don't get
caught up into waiting too long because
you might just miss it.
We only have this moment...
if the moment is good...
Don't Fight it.
-Cornelius "Life" Jones
Yes ya'll! I found someone very special. And had I waited too long...or assumed that something better was coming...I would be that dog that's chasing his tail. The cycle would continue to repeat. Love was right in front of me, and I'm happy I saw it clearly. So, why I have not blogged???? Oh...I've been cultivating new artistic ideas, and cultivating a new partnership.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Ok. So I am still alive. I've been busy. Putting the final touches on the upcoming cabaret/showcase. I just recorded a new song, "Fly Again," it's really hot ya'll. I'm also in the process of building my website. It's coming...just keep your ears and eyes open. I'm on myspace now. You can visit my page on my space: I'm still setting it up, so give me a minute. Seems like a I have a whole lot going on. If you guys are on myspace, please add me to your list or send me a friend invite. I know Monica is on myspace and my roommate, but I don't know who else??? Oh Kenyon....send me your myspace info.

So I tried uploading more pics from Brasil, but the Picasa/Hello Picture site is not functioning properly. Sorry. If anyone is interested in seeing the entire album...shoot me an email, and I'll send it from my yahoo account.

It's almost near everyone, "What's Stopping You?" Live at The Triad on W. 72nd ST. The showcase will feature new talents, Laura Catlaw, Kaitlin Rose Mercurio, and Scott Page. Please come out and support this project. Lucas Steele of Broadway's, The Three Penny Opera, will make a special guest appearances, and I will accompany Laura, Kaitlin, and Scott in a few numbers. It's going to be a fun evening. Good songs and dialogue...funny....emotional...feel good...good times ya'll! The cover is only $15. There will be two shows, the first starting at 7PM, and the second starting at 9PM. The triad is located at 158 W. 72nd St.(between Broadway & Columbus). Click on this link to The Triad for more info, and to view the Flier: This is the first of series that I will be producing, under my up and coming production company, LifeJonesProductions....Stay tuned.

Have a great week everyone. And Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there. I have a little something I wrote and would like to share with all the Mothers....with a special dedication going out to my mom, Barbara D. Jones.

I just wanted to let you know...
You're my #1 Fan,
and you've been that from the start.
You're the breath of my Heart.
Helping me, encouraging me, guiding me,
and pushing me further to the top.
So that I can attain a sound mind and heart.
We'll never grow apart.
You're my #1 Fan
I Love You Mother

Happy Mother's Day with lots of Love
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 10

Wow, what a busy week this has been. A good busy. The showcase is really coming along. It's going to be so good. Please, come out and support if you can. I will post the flyer to the site shortly. Again it is Monday, May 22 @The Triad on 72nd ST(btwn. B'way&Columbus)....showtimes are 7PM&9PM. Please come support me and my fellow University of the Arts/NYC bound newcomers...Kaitlin, Laura, and Scott. They are all extremely talented and are excited about this project. Also, look forward to many upcoming series that I will be presenting and performing in. I'm developing some cool projects with a great team of musicians, promoters, and other artists who all believe in my ideas, and are very excited for the future. It feels so good to have a team of people who believes so much in you. It really helps. It's a support team, and I know we all can use it in our lives. So be prepared, my vocal showcase and theatrical showcase are all in the works. Just continue to send out that positive energy. I can feel it YA'LL!!!

I have to send out big big big "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" to my Aunt Edwina!!! She goes by Mary Woodley, but the fam' knows her as "Aunt Edwina." "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!"

Well this is the final Journal edition for "LIFE" in Salvador. Thanks to all who have been following along. I have received numerous emails, and phone calls. It means a lot to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Just know that, this is my last journal entry about my time in Salvador, but not the last of me blogging. I will now go on to blog about current events in my life. and I will begin to start a food for thought( which I have sort of done with the quotes), I will post poetry online, and whatever inspires me. I would love to hear your feedback on my poems and lyrics, and also I would love for you all to begin to express yourself. It can be through poetry, song lyrics, haiku, prose, quotes, questions, or just train of thoughts. I will post in my weekly updates to share with everyone. So get your LIFE!!! Also check back for photos as well. I will be downloading more photos to the site throughout the week.
Journal Entry 2/27/06
I am very sad. I really don't want to leave. I have that feeling I got when I was kid. You know that feeling, of wanting to stay, not wanting to go home. Man, I wish I was given that extra week. I really like it here. Next year I will definitely stay longer. Bahia....Salvador, is so beautiful. So many gorgeous black men and people! This is amazing. I mean, the people here, remind me of, my people I see in the US. I can see it in the features and the mannerisms. I know for a fact that we are all apart of the same lineage. I swear some of my black people, here in Salvador, can pass for my members in my Jones and Anderson family tree. I didn't expect to see this. I didn't know what to expect. I was told about the culture and the African descendants in Salvador, but never did I imagine this. It was like looking at my brother, my sister, or my best friend. Wow! I am really going on and on about this. I am just so amazed by this experience. I am flipping out. What a lesson!!! I'm making a vow with myself to continue to learn the language. I will be fluent. Just give me a couple of years. I'm learning so far. I've gotten pretty far as well. I can carry basic conversations. I must say, I'm proud of myself.
Well I didn't meet the love of my life, but I met some really really nice people. Whom I'm sure I'll keep in touch with years down the line.
I just recently found out that the kids at CAASAH will probably only live until they are 16. 16???!!!?? That's not a long life. Aw, that hurts my heart. They won't even have a chance. "C" basically has about 2 years to live. "M" has about 4. That was so heartbreaking when I heard that news. "C" has lived at CAASAH all her life. If I'm correct, she came when she was a year old. She was the first child there. I mean, all she knows is CAASAH. She has lived in that smelly, unsanitary, and cumbersome hospital all her life. What kind of life is that for a kid? For anyone? And, all she's known all her life, are drugs and antibiotics. Just being around a lot of HIV and AIDS patients, I can tell how the drugs have affected her physical shape. She's still beautiful though. All of the little ones look up to her. She's like Mother. And she loves them to death. Hmm...I don't know what else to say.
I'm going to miss it here. Those kids need so much. I want to be the one to do something special for them. Yeah, when I come back I will have new clothes, shoes, and bed linen for them. I wonder who will still be here, when I return...? I mean, I am so blessed. I mean I have so much, and Yes I thank God for everything. The culture here is calling my name. I will return. I will do more research back home about my family lineage. I will share what I learned here with everyone I know, and come in contact with, in the States. I am so FULL.
A few hours later at the airport:
So here I am in the airport, already going through a little withdrawal. So I stop in this store to make one last souvenir purchase. Faintly, in the background, I hear a CD playing. The sound gradually gets louder, and I hear the group Afrodisiaco....ahh...I started to tear up a little...I began to relive my trip...all the memories, the CCS staff, the volunteers, some local friends I made, and the kids at CAASAH....ahhhhh. Ok, pull it together man. It's going to be alright. Everything is good. Peace Ya'll....
"What's Stopping You?"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones
(theme from the upcoming cabaret featuring new talents Laura Catlaw, Kaitlin Rose Mercurio, and Scott Page...with Cornelius Jones Jr.)

Friday, April 14, 2006

JC and Me...the dawn of "Carniva...Salvador" Posted by Picasa

"CARNIVAL '06" - Blocos os Mascarados com Margareth Menezes Posted by Picasa

Lois and Monica...up close and personal. Posted by Picasa

Monica and Me..."Milk in my Coffee!" Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 9

Goodafternoon everyone. Today is going well for me. I did some background work on "One Life To Live" this morning. I must say this was the quickest on camera gig I have ever done. We were done in like 20 minutes. I was a photographer in one of the scenes. Tune in to "One Life To Live," and you may be able to see my debut performance. Now don't get me confused with the other brownskin photographer....I'm the shortest brownskin may be able to get a quick glimpse of the back of my cleanly cut and lined head...or you may be able to catch my caramel brown hand cupping this huge 35mm camera. HEY YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE...RIGHT!

I got some shocking news yesterday about a family member. Don't worry, all is good. Just send some good energy out there for me and my family. Life can really take you for a world wind. It can also speed by like the NY Subway system. I won't go further into detail about what is going on, only to respect the privacy of my family, but lets not forget to nurture our Young Ones...they need all the love, support, and help that we can give them. They need Guidance, and a Clear Direction. None of us are perfect and we make mistakes. But we need to educate the Youth, share with them our downfalls in life, communicate with them, let them know that they are ok, and hopefully they will listen and learn to make wiser decisions in life.

Have any of you heard of the Tahitian Noni Juice? Well I've been drinking it since January, and I've have been in such a great mood, and a clear frame of mind, and my energy has been lifted. It's becoming really popular, and it has so many health benefits. I can go on and on, but you have to just try it for yourself. Let me know if you are interested, I have some contacts...I'll hook you up.

Well this is the second to last Journal entry. I was amazed at how much I wrote. I'm actually going to(when I get some downtime) print a hardcopy, in book format, of my Journal entries. I know some of my friends and family are not really into the online thing, so the book would be perfect for them. Hmmmm...let me know who would be interested in that. Is that something you would be interested in reading? And then I could also do like a mini picture book on top of that??? does that sound. That thought just came to me. I would love to hear your feedback. Enjoy and continue to have a good week.

Journal Entry 2/24/06
Wow, my time is really coming to an end. My last night is tomorrow. I had so so so much fun in my bloco last night. I didn't get home until 6:30AM today. I was dancing all night long...from 1AM to 6AM. Woa!!! That was crazy! And I still reported to work, which was my last day. I told "M" that today was my last day, and that I would be going back to the United States, but I don't think he really understood. I will definitely come back next year to visit him. I would love to adopt the young fella. He's an adorable kid, and so is "L". They are my favorites. The kids taught me so much. I learned new words in Portuguese and the correct grammar, all from the kids.
A thought in between recapping my day:
So I realized that within the black community, in Salvador, there is a lot of who sleep with men. I was cruised and had conversations with a few men, whom wanted to engage in sex. Of course it was tempting, and I was partially not opposed to it...I'm human...the men here are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L...I don't know who spat them out...My Goodness!! However, these same exact men were the ones, I observed picking up females on the beach, in bars, in clubs and even some of my fellow colleagues. So it had me thinking about the HIV/AIDS rate in Brasil. I mean, part of my mission is serving in this small community of HIV/AIDS affected individuals. But there are other communities, not only in Salvador, but all over Brasil that have been affected by the AIDS crisis. So, I became really observant to life outside of the hospital. I was constantly wondering why so many of the kids ended up in CAASAH. I mean, Brasilians are so free here...I Love inhibitions, but on the flipside it's a little dangerous. I guess the DL phenomenon is not only an American thing, which we know, in the States, is one of the leading causes to the increase in HIV infection rates. Especially in the black community. I had conversations with some of these guys, mainly Afro-Brasilians, and it was interesting to hear what they shared. Hmmm....more HIV/AIDS awareness is needed here, and the DL/bisexual lifestyle needs to be discussed here in Salvador.
Well my bloco was so much fun last night. I truly got my "LIFE." Man I danced in the parade from 1AM to 6AM nonstop. I was on fire!!! I had this crazy adrenaline rush. It was like...the world was mine. It felt so good to be alive. It was like the hugest payoff, for such an amazing 2 weeks, of bringing joy to my kids life. I wish I could stay longer. I don't want to go home to the grind...this is Paradise...this is Living. Putting in good deeds and rewarding yourself the way you like. I am not ashamed of anything...not ashamed of my likes and and long as I am comfortable with it...who gives a...!!! I love LIFE, I love Brasil, the language, the beach, the men, my Black people here...My Family...My Ancestors...they are here I can feel it. Man, I am such on a high right now, and I don't even do drugs...The way I feel I never need to do drugs. Just went off into a tangent, which is all good. But back to the was the Mascarados Bloco with singer Margareth Menezes. She was the bomb! She sang "Festa." I lost it! I love that song. Well for one, it was a song that I was familiar with, and it is a fierce party song. I'm going to enroll in some Samba classes. I have to get that lil hip action the Brasilians have going's real cute. I will return next year, and do the Mascarados bloco it up!!! I mean all that energy is amazing. Just people...out in the streets, singing and dancing...hanging out windows....Just proud of their culture. I got winks and kisses from everyone...Men and Women....Just free spirited.
Another thought in between recapping my day:
About 4 days ago, A newborn arrived. He or She had to be no more than 2 weeks old. A new adult female, had arrived to the hospital as well. This young lady was the baby's mom. She had to be no more than 24. She was so sad. She was in tears as she walked back and forth, embracing her newborn child, as she was embraced and comforted by a volunteer nurse. I noticed the nurse began to pray with her. Sad to watch, but beautiful to know that she will live, and her baby will have LIFE as well. I know it...I have hope.

"Surrender to Self-Love"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Cerveja!"...Monica, Katie T., Katie H. Posted by Picasa

CCS Brasil Staff...Viviane, Fanny, Alex, Grace, Vinni...They are the Best!!! Posted by Picasa

My Girls and Me(Katie, Cornelius, Monica) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 9

Goodmorning. So what has everyone been up to? Busy, Busy, Busy...I'm sure. Everyone has projects going on...I love it. Ya'll are DRIVEN!!! So can I just tell you about my Monday. It was definitely an off day for me. So I had a 2nd callback for the role of Daddy in "Sweet Charity." The show is going out on tour later this year. It went well, but I had some off moments. I guess every audition can't be the best. I actually needed that because it humbled me. Somedays, your body and brain will just tell you NO, and you must give in. Well, my Monday actually started at 6:30AM. Yes, I was up that early. I was getting ready for rehearsal for my upcoming showcase. Well we met at 8AM, and rehearsed until 10:30AM. My callback was at 11AM. I had a photo shoot scheduled for noonish, and I had to report back to the callback, to sing and read sides, at 5PM. A day right??!!!?? Well, at the 11AM call, we learned a new combination, which was easy. However, when it was time for my group to dance the "Brass Band" combination...I just blanked!!!! What happened??? I don't know, my brain said GOODBYE. So I laughed it off, and asked to go in the following group. They let me dance in the next group. It was better, but not my best. Well....what can you!$ happens...right? And you can't turn back time. Just "Dust Yourself off and Try Again." So, we then danced "The Frug" combination. Of course I had to redeem myself. And ya'll I HIT IT!!! I was on POINT!!! Hopefully my "Frug" combination erased their memory of my "Brass Band" combination. Wow, the life of auditioning. Well, after the audition was over, I dashed to the photo shoot for the cabaret. I was an hour late. We nailed the photo shoot in 30minutes, and I must say we have some nice shots. Save the date ya'll...Monday, May 22, 7PM&9PM @ The Triad on 72nd St...I'm doing a cabaret with 3 graduating seniors from my University. It's going to be hot, and I'm enjoying working with them. It's very's like I'm giving back, and sharing the knowledge, and growing as an individual. So the photo shoot went well. I then nourished my mind and body and went back to sing and read. Well, I turned it out. However, I started singing the wrong verse at the top of my song....OH LAWDY!!! What was going on? Hmmm...maybe too much stuff in one day. Yeah Me being "Mr. Busy" in the words of James Brown III and Jason Jarrod Lewis. Well, I was a good sport. I laughed it off, and said, "Ummm...give me a second...let's back up again...ok Take 2." The Producers and Directors thought I was so hilarious. Well I got back on track and turned it out. They seemed extremely pleased. I actually had a lot of fun, and I'm glad that I took my time to back up, and start again. It was my audition, and I wanted to be as polished as I could. Well....You have those days...YUP. Just give it room, pick the pieces up, and start again.

Well, I am almost at the end of my CCS Experience in Bahia. There are about 3 journal entries left. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the journal entries. It's been so refreshing to be able to share my experience with all of you. Enjoy this entry and have a great week and weekend.

Journal Entry 2/22/06
There has been a lot of great things going on. Where do I begin? I'll focus on what I have to do today....ummm.... Internet Cafe, get a costume for Carnival, exchange cash, buy more souvenirs...something for Joe Joe and Cliff. I may have to skip the tour today. There is so much that I have to do because I'll be leaving soon. So recap on yesterday...We took a few of the kids to the beach. It was so much fun. They were all so well behaved. Except for "L". "L" is actually deaf. She got a little out of hand while playing. But she didn't know any better. She gulped down a lot of salt water, and the she spat on me with a mouth full of water. She thought it was amusing, but I didn't. So I quickly reprimanded here. Anyhow, all the kids were having a ball. It felt so good to see them so happy. I mean being cooped up in that hospital 24/7 is not a good life. They were free. Heck, I felt free. It's almost like prison. I mean, I've never been locked up before, but I'm assuming that's what it felt like. Actually, it reminded me off being hospitalized last year, due to my emotional breakdown. I felt so trapped in the hospital. I was screaming to get out. So I can just imaging what the kids and adults go through. I mean I was only there for about 10 days. They have been there for years. Well, I had a lot of fun with my kids. Again, it was so refreshing to see them playing outside. They love to get out. You can tell by the change in their mood and personality. It's good for them. "J", "E", and "C" were having a ball. Not one fight. The older girls were having a great time as well. Of the older girls, there is "C", she's 15, and "M", whom reminds me of my niece, she's 12. A big and healthy looking 12 year old. "M" loves the water and loves swimming in the deep end. She is really good...she needs to be on an Olympic swim team. "C" is the best swimmer of the younger ones. I carried "E", "J", and "C" to the deep. They were all scared, but I assured them that I had them. It was actually kind of fun taunting them. It brought back childhood memories of my brother and me, and the boys from the neighborhood. My kids are truly bringing out my inner child, and everything is so stress free. I love it!
Well after placement we traveled to this historic Catholic Church and headed to the mall to purchase our Carnival tickets. Carnival is a huge part of the Brasilian culture.
Oh....I didn't write about Monday's visit to the Afro-Brasilian museum. I got so much info from the Museum. I was also shocked when I discovered that my lineage/my tribe/my ancestors may be from West Africa...Benin to be exact. There was a map that showed, where the African slaves were deported, during the slave trade. There was a tribe from Benin that was split between North and South America. One half was sent to Salvador and the other half was sent to Richmond, VA, my hometown. This was so interesting. I will do my research when I get back home to see how accurate this is. Wow man! Whew!!!!
Well it's time to eat.
"At First You Don't Succeed...Dust Yourself Off And Try Again"
-Aaliyah - R.I.P.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Cornelius "Life" Jones Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006

A Day at The Famers Market in Salvador Posted by Picasa

The Group Photo Posted by Picasa

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 8

Goodmorning Ya'll. What's up? It's Monday...the beginning of a new week. Well actually, Sunday is the official beginning of the week. As you can see, I've finally posted some took a minute, right? Well, you know, better late than never. So, my surprise to my friends in Salvador, has been placed on a slight stand computer is doing tricks again....but it's me. So everything is looking positive with the new place. I was watching a few of the home improvement shows on HGTV, and got some inspiration for the new place. James and I are going to do a few changes with the new know we're going to make it look fierce..give it that "Real World"/"Top Model" makeover. We were thinking about doing some different themes with our bedrooms, and turning one of the smaller rooms into a full-on walk in closet/dressing room. Are we too much??? We are living, and being creative, and having fun. Enjoy it while we can....OK!!! But continue to send some good energy out there, because this is only the beginning. Just to throw the word out there, we will be moving out of the Harlem condo, sometime in June, and the goal is to rent it out for at least year. So, if anyone is interested in moving to an amazing, quiet, extremely friendly, and clean 2 bedroom in Harlem, give us a call or shoot me an email, and we can go from there. All of the appliances in the condo are new, there's a washer and dryer in the basement, and a shared roof deck, which makes a great environment for a party, social, or just a place of relaxation. Also, I mentioned my online internet marketing business....check out Browse through the site...hit the "Find Products" category. We have some really nice products. And listen, I am not just saying that...ya'll know me...I speak the truth, and I am not trying to be no salesman, but I think it's worth checking out. If you see something you like, email me or phone me and we can talk more. The site is off the chain ya'll...from energy drinks, to vitamins, to bedding, mattresses, to pet food, to name it and it's there...need I say more.
Ok, so there is more to hear about my time in Salvador. I'm posting another journal entry. Enjoy. I think you will like this entry...I was rereading it yesterday...remembering my kids. It gives a lot of insight of the hospital and the kids. Enjoy. I would love to hear from everyone as well. So don't be shy to post a comment on the site. Have a great week.

Journal Entry 2/20/05
I woke up this morning very sad because I realized this is my last week. Man, I want to do so much for these kids and adults. I stretched with the adults today, and they loved it. The teenagers joined in, as well as the little ones. I really want to stay an extra week....shoot an extra month. However, the creative team at Lion King, said they needed me to return on must be crazy back home. I really feel like I need to be here. Part of my time is to be here helping these patients. I saw so much today. So much life. Man, I'm about to cry as I write and reflect on my day. Today I also learned a little more about my kids. Especially some of my favorites. "C", who is very playful, very cooperative, and so well HIV positive. He has no parents, they died, and no home. His home is the hospital. "L" is also HIV positive. He has no real home as well, and his parents are deceased. "C" is about 9 or 10, and "L" is around 5 or 6 years of age. "L" is a very sweet kid, and the boy is so photogenic. "E" is about 2 years of age. He is so well behaved. He loves to sing, and he loves to drink lots of water...and he is negative. His parents are positive, and unfortunately they are in prison. Good news though, "E"will leave in a few weeks, to go live with his Grandma. That makes me happy. Little "L" is like a year old...he's a tiny lil fella for a 1 year old. He has about 8 individual tooth, still teething a little, very quiet, but intrigued by every little thing. I was told before I arrived, he never came out of his crib, he never wanted to be touched, and he always appeared sad and unhappy. The nurses and volunteers, who were here before I arrived, all commented on how good I was with him. He smiles all the time now, plays well, and is so curious. Little "L" is HIV positive. His mom is as well. She visits him on the weekends. "D" is my sweet little angel. She's about 10 months old. Oh man, she is too cute!!! Wow, she's gonna break some hearts when she comes of age. She loves to be held and loves to walk and crawl. He mother visits frequently. Her mom is HIV positive, but we don't know if "D" is positive as of now. The doctors are still running tests on her.
There are more stories to tell, but I have to find out more info on the kids. My lil bro, "M", is who I'm curious about. He's a little jokester, and he's so good at sharing with others. He also likes to be treated as number 1. There's is nothing wrong with that. He deserves all of the attention in this world. Today was my first day working with the adults. This was a challenge, but so rewarding. I did a couple of stretches and dance moves. Some of the adults chose not to participate, due to ailing body parts, and some were just use to lying around all day. So anything physical is difficult for them. But these guys needed to get up. They need some motivation. They need to have a reason to live. They need to have "LIFE." I walked around to the rooms and saw some fairly healthy patients, just sleep for hours. I've been here f or a week, and today I saw about 8 new adults. All they do is sleep. They really need more. I would love to come back next year and spend more time motivating them. Teach them English, music, dance, and acting. Help them to want a life outside of the hospital. They are dependent on the hospital. I need to come back to fufill this dream. I also saw some of the terminal patients. Boy, that was not a good site. Not pleasant at all. I mean, just rotting away. There are like 6 terminal patients in one little hot room. They all need separate rooms. I mean, they will never get better because the germs are just festering in the air. I want to come back and build an annex to the hospital. I would like to build an annex that includes a workout facility with light weights, treadmill, workout balls, jump ropes, basketball court, futebol, a jungle gym with slides and swings. I would love to ultimately, one day, when I have built up a lot of money through investments, rebuild CAASAH...provide a warmer, cozier, and cleaner environment. A place where each child and adult, has his or her own set of personal belongings, and a room of their own.
"He Who Walks with the Wise, Grows Wise"
-Proverbs 13:20

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Mom and Me...Puerto Rico Posted by Picasa

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 7

Wow, it's Sunday, and actually today is the beginning of a new week. However, for us theater heads, it's the beginning of our weekend. So a lot has been cooking. I got a lil stressed out early in the week(I'm totally fine) when I began to think of all the great things that are happening. So many things that I want to do, and want to accomplish. However, I must take things one task at a time, and put some stuff off for later. It's'll get it done eventually. We must remember to not overload ourselves with too many projects. IT'LL GET DONE EVENTUALLY...OK!!!
So keep me in your thoughts, prayers, your journals, your meditations, get the point.... James(my roommate/bestfriend/business partner), and I are becoming young entrepreneurs. We are in the process of investing in another piece of property....Yes!!! It's exciting and very scary. Damn!!! We are growing up ya'll!!! So send some good energy out while we go through this process. I will definitely update you on the process through the blog. I'm also getting a cabaret/showcase together with my former voice teacher and a dear friend of mine. I have also branched out into developing an independent online marketing business. More details to follow. Please check back because I would love your support. Thanks again for reading my blog. There's still more to hear about my time in Salvador, so please read. everyone....Photos are coming soon...for real. And to my friends at CCS in Salvador, I have a surprise coming your way. Check your mailboxes soon.

Journal Entry 2/19/06
My 1st weekend was spent at Morro De Sao Paulo. It's a tiny island about a 2 hour boat ride and a 20 minute flight from Salvador. The island is extremely gorgeous. We ended up choosing a beachside hotel. It felt so lovely to wake up overlooking the ocean. "V" and I shared a room and the girls shared a room. I slept out on the balcony in the hammock. I slept so well. I woke up to the sunshine, the calm waters, and the sounds of people loading in the stock for the day(food, fruit, and water). It was paradise. I wanted to treat my weekend like a vacation and I did. On Saturday "V", "K", and I took a boat tour around the island. It was so cool. Oh did I mention...there are no cars allowed on the island. Everyone travels by boat. Well we had to walk about 50 feet out into the ocean to board our little tour boat. That was cool as well. The water remained really shallow for a while. Our first stop was free swimming and snorkeling a little further out in the ocean. We actually forgot to purchase the snorkels, and when I was asked if we needed them I said no. Only because I thought he meant binoculars. I was like, "No...who needs binoculars(I didn't say that out loud).." He was actually talking about goggles. The second stop was the mud bath. How fun was that! There was this mountain that trickled with mud. And yeah, that's what we bathed with. It's suppose to be extremely exfoliating and packed with natural minerals and vitamins. We would scrape mud from off the mountain, mix it with water, an d then bathe. After it dried, we took a 10 minute dip in the ocean, washing away the residue. Next stop was to place our lunch order. I ordered the Moqueca Camarao. We were then off to the sand dune. The dune was literally in the middle of the ocean. It was an extremely tiny island and the water only came up to my calf. I played a little capoeira with "T"(I cool guy I met on the boat tour) on the sanded area of the dune. Next stop, another tiny island. It was beautiful and completely deserted. The sand was cotton soft and pearly white. We collected and like sea Brasil they call them estrelas nomorado. I collected like 20. Last stop...lunch...FINALLY! It was actually more like dinner...considering the time. The food was delicious and I just enjoyed eating while being 2 feet from the ocean. After I ate I began to speak with the tour guide. He was a very attractive Brasilian brotha. Well he didn't speak a bit of English, but you know I had to pull out my bag of tricks. The conversation was cool. He was a nice guy. I wish there was more time just to talk, and I wish my Portuguese was a lil stronger, but it's getting there....Fluent in 3 years. Finally we docked. I had a great day, but I needed a nap. And boy was I 2 shades darker......I love it!!!! It was nice just laying out on the stern of the boat in the sun. Who did I think I was?!!!? I'm Living!!! Sunday was a quiet day. I got a massage, purchased some t-shirts, had lunch, and headed to the boat for Salvador. Now, the boat ride back was not cute! It was very very very bumpy. Monica got sick and then I got sick and we looked around and it seemed like the entire boat had vomit bags. It was actually funny, painful, and miserable but AMUSING!!! Katie, who didn't feel a thing, took good care of us. However, she was laughing her a$$ off!!! I was told that all the vomiting, on the return trip, was normal. The ride back is the worse! I may have to fly back next time.
"Stop Thinking about the what if's....Just take a Chance"

Monday, March 13, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 6

Goodmorning, afternoon, evening...whatever time you're reading this....GOODDAY! So I have something interesting to share with you guys, however, I'll wait until I'm done sharing my Salvador experiences with all of you. But a quick note...You are Special, that's what makes you YOU...God created You and He didn't created any don't let anyone tell you you're wrong.
Again, I'm thankful to all the visitors to my blog. My friends and family...some I've seen just yesterday and some I haven't seen since.....whew!!!! God knows when???!!!??? I love ya'll though. I think you guys will enjoy this next entry. I know most of you have been asking about my free time, and what did I do. "Did you go out to any clubs??? What was the music like??? How were the beaches??? Any Capoeira??? How were the drinks...Caipirinha...Caipiroska???...Any Samba???...Carnival???...what did you do for fun???..." OK! In the beginning I thought I would be out hitting the clubs and the beach 24/7. However, after working with the kids, the discussion groups, the cultural tours, and Portuguese class... I was broke down!!! I saved most of my "Me Time/Party Time" for the weekend. But there was 1 or 2 nights during the week that I stepped out.....ENJOY!

Journal Entry 2/16/06
Wednesday was tour of Pelourinho by night, and boy was it fun!!! The last of the volunteers arrived yesterday. A really nice and good looking brotha from Boston. Pelourinho...there was this famous African drumming band there and a few famous Afro-Brasilian Singers. I think one of the artists was Timbalada. It was crazy!!!! In a good way. We arrived at the club around 9ish...actually we arrived in Pelourinho around that time. We all gathered on this cobblestone side had that authentic Salvador feel. This particular spot was a prelude to how the night would unfold. The band began outside on the corner. Tons of people started gathering around as they played louder and louder, with much intensity, passion, and strength. It was electrifying. We then proceeded to march to the club...our final destination. We were marching, in what felt like, a parade. This was so cool! The drummers would walk a few then more people would tag along. This happened for about 3o minutes before we actually entered the club. Inside the club was even more electrifying. The place became packed in no time. "A" introduced us to a few Brasilian drinks. Each drink was infused with these exotic fruits that I can't remem ber. However, I do remember maracanja(passion fruit). It was mixed with either Vodka or Cachaca, and something else. Whatever it was G-O-O-D!!! For real! Well it didn't take long for me to make it back to the dance floor. The drumming was so alluring. I remained on the dance floor the entire night. i joined in on a line dance where the leaders...3 beautiful black females created dances moves...very much West African dance inspired. I caught on really quick. I was getting my "LIFE"!!! I stayed on that floor for like 3 hours straight...Dancing my heart out and drenched in my own sweat. I'm sure I lost about 5 pounds. When the line dance first started, it was about 10 people, including myself, dancing. By the time I left about 30-40 people had joined in. Young, old, male, female, gay, straight, locals, visitors. It was HOT!!! Unfortunately, I had to cut myself off a lil early. I mean, we did have a 12am curfew, which I was trying to abide by. I couldn't forget, although this was a part of the cultural experience, I had to be fresh for the kids. So I left around 12:30am...oops, just a little pass curfew. I slept like a baby. That was such a cool night.
"Be Proud of Who You Are...Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 5

I hope everyone is enjoying my posts thus far. I am having the best time sharing my experience with all of you. I am sitting in the house getting some work done online. It's Tuesday and I'm enjoying this night off. I was so moved by time in Salvador, I am now looking into doing some volunteer work with kids in NYC. If anyone knows of any good programs let me know. I am still interested in working with kids that are HIV positive as well. The kids in Salvador had a huge impact on me, and I'm trying to carry this through here in the States. Well enjoy this journal entry. Have a blessed day.

Journal Entry 2/15/06
So yesterday was really crazy at CAASAH. A lot of whining and fighting. The kids were out of control. It was like a mad house. I felt so bad for them. I mean their beds look so messy..filthy...they're like 5-6 kids to a room, which means the germs will stay and just go around in an incubator. There's no A/C for them, which just absorbs the germs and keeps in dormant. I mean it's very unsanitary. Not even diapers. They all share the same clothes. There's one size only in diapers for the kids. They don't have their own personal set of toys or belongings. It's like a survival of the fittest. Especially when we bring treats and games in for them. They are all bathed thoroughly, but I don't think they get their teeth brushed. A lot of the kids have rotten teeth. The living conditions are below satisfactory. I wouldn't want my child in these living quarters...sick or not. It's like, the government knows that they are sick and may not live that long, so they do nothing. It seems as if they just leave these kids to rot to death. I sound dramatic, but this is what I'm seeing here. It's like their health and mental state is not important. And the kids need a lot of mental therapy. I was really scared today for my friend "M". He had just returned froom getting his shot. I'm assuming it was like an HIV booster shot...or bloodwork maybe. He was the cutest little thing when he returned. He smiled at me, while chewing happily on his piece of toast, and sipping very meticulously on his hot cocoa. He said, while pointing to his freshly pierced arm covered with a bandage, "Medico...Medico.." He was happy. Obviously it was something that he was familiar with and has come to enjoy. Wow...that's a lot for a 6 year old to deal with. He laughed, chewed, and sipped away. About 15 minutes later, little "M", was stricken with serious pain in his belly. Falling over quenching for air and relief, squeezing his little tummy, with squenched face the size of a prune...He cried, "Meu borriga...Ow!!!" He had just enough strength to gesture to me that he would be right back. He then went off to the bathroom. 5 minutes later he returned claiming he felt better. However, the pain returned and I sensed that this was serious, and there wasn't much I could do but hold him and wait for a nurse, who spoke his language fluently. My Portuguese is ok. Little "M" grabbed my hand and escorted me to his room, where he collapsed on his bed screaming, whining, and clenching on to his stomach for dear life. I was really scared because I had no idea what was going on. My fellow CCS volunteer witnessed this as well and she ran for help. Soon a nurse entered, asked "M" a few questions in Portuguese, and escorted him to another room. Wow, that was a roller coaster ride for me. Well wherever she took "M", and whatever they did to him, he returned as a renewed soul. His eyes were glowing when he returned, and he was smiling from ear to ear. He asked me to assist in his drawing of himself, his amigo(who by the way was me), his amiga(my colleague), and then his irmao(which was me again...that tickled me). Then we drew a casa(house) and a coracao(heart). Now this is the part that really tickled me. He took me by the hand with the drawing and we walked to an office near the front of the hospital. In the office lay a gorgeously voluptuous young lady. Little "M" handed her the drawing. I was a little confused. I thought that may have been his mom. So I asked her in Portuguese(yes in Portuguese...I was proud of myself for that one) if she was his mother. She said "nao," and smiled at me with a wink. A little light went off in my head. Hmmm....what's going on? Well we returned to the play area, and drew a new picture. And after that was complete, we went to the office again, where "M" gave her the second drawing. She smiled and laughed again. Then a third drawing was complete, and YES!!!, the same the office. By then I figured it out. "M" was smitten by this fairly older woman. Man, I was tickled. This little man is too much!!! Well that really made my day because he was so calm, so receptive, and very cooperative that day. Little "M" was near the verge of tears when I was leaving for the day. I miss him already. Now, "L", who I saw being a piece of work, is my buddy as well. He's so photogenic...the boy loves the camera. I almost got my camera boosted. I"m actually not allowed to take photos of the kids. It's prohibited in Brasil. It's to protect their privacy and family's privacy. I totally understand. Well, "L" had so much fun on my photo set, afterwards he gave me a big ole' kiss on the cheek. That made my day because I made his day. Love...that's all these kids need...unconditional love. That's what I'm all about. Some of the kids are disabled, scarred badly, have sores and rashes over their bodies, but it doesn't phase me. I"m not scared to pick them up, hug them, nor give them a kiss on their's unconditional love. Oh, did I mention how hard I was sweating today? Well, little "M" reached down to grab my towel and dabbed my face for me. How cool was that? That's my buddy. I would love to adopt this boy, and show him a great life. Well it's time for cooking class.....

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 4

What's up everyone? So I am officially back in NYC, and it is COLD here! Where is the sun??? Where?????? I really ejoyed my time in Salvador, and I'm planning on returning to work at the hospital. I'm a new man. I feel wonderful. And I can honeslty say that with a smile on the inside and outside...."I FEEL WONDERFUL!" I encourage everyone of you, to do something of this nature, before you move on to the next life. Well enjoy this journal entry below. Just a quick note...when speaking about the kids I worked with, I chose to only use initials, and not full names. It's to respect their privacy. Enjoy.

Journal Entry 2/14/06
Happy Valentine's Day. So yesterday was really cool. I went to bed at 8PM. I was really tired. I'm getting OLD! But I mainly wanted to conserve my energy for the kids. By the way, they are so adorable. I can't wait to see them again today. I'll take my games today. Hopefully they like it. I'll teach them. I'll start with Connect Four. I found the kids to be very special. Some look very healthy while a few look a little sick. You can just tell by the skin rashes and open sores. It must be painful, and as child all you do is scratch. The hospital is like a shelter. There is no A/C. 4-6 to a room. There are cribs and twin beds, which are not comfortable at all. The mattress is basically a thin piece of foam covered in plastic, and the wooden bedframe. Some of the kids even have, what looks like, bed sores. I want to take each one back home with me, and show them how good life can be.My favorite so far, and I think all of them are special(some are little more work than others), is "E". He's about 11/2. He's so well behaved. Always smiling. He stayed under my arms the entire time, and he loves to sing. He's a cutie, and he has these big bubbly and innocent eyes. Just open to all the love he can get. Another baby who had become attached to me very quickly was "D". I became quickly attached to her as well. She was mine. However, her mom came to visit and she had to leave me. That's understandable. I took a peek at her mom. She appeared really sad. She looked healthy. I know it must be hard, to not be in good physical and mental condition, to take care of your own child. I wanted to know more of Mom's story. I could see a lot behind her eyes. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk to her before I leave. The third child was this cute little boy(initially we all the he was a little girl), I don't know his name, but he was about 11 months. Everyone said how difficult it was to get him to show any emotion. Most times he would be left alone in his crib to play by himself. Well I went for a walk through the rooms and discovered this little one all alone. I felt sad for him. I caught him playing with the light switch, and like most little kids he jumped when he saw me...he knew that was wrong. I stood there for a few minutes trying to make eye contact, but he would not look my way. I contemplated leaving, but decided to wait it out. So I reached my arms out to him, and out of nowhere he jumped into my arms and never left my arms for the duration of the work day. There are two other boys that I'm trying to work on...they are a bit on the rough edge..."L" and I don't know the other boys' name. They are a piece of work. The alpha male syndrome has already blossomed within. It's going to be tough, but I just want to show them unconditional love, and maybe it'll get rid of some of the aggression. Well I have to shower and eat before I head to work. My run this morning was fierce! I'm pumped....

Monday, February 27, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 3

Hey ya'll. So I am sitting in the American Airlines Admirals Club...who do I think I am?!!!? I love it !! I left Salvador at around 3AM. I really did not want to leave. I was really sad. I'm sure you all know, about that feeling you use to get as a kid, when it was time to go home, after a wonderful break. Obviously this wasn't a vacation, but I really became attached to my environment in Salvador. I'll return soon. Ya'll Salvador is AFRICA!!! I swear I have ancestors there. There are so many things I must tell you about Salvador, but you have to read my daily journal entries to find out. WEll, I'm going to rap this one up. I miss everyone. I'm back!!!
oh... I'm sort of backing up in my journal entries. So don't be confused if I repeat something.

Excerpts from Journal Entry 2/12/06
....Talk about stepping out on faith. The people here are all from different walks of life. We have a 17 year old here...17!!!??!!! Wow! I felt so old when he told me that. Wow! I remember 17, but that was years ago. And although I was a very focused 17 year old...focusing on the right college at that time...I was still running the streets. Not once did I even consider to just volunteer in something as amazing as this. I mean, the good thing, is that I'm doing it right now. We also have two guys here over my age and older. Wow. This is a great thing we're all doing with our lives. I have to admit though, when I first walked in the house and noticed the room situation, I was like, "What...are you serious?" My room.....Quarto 6, about 10x14 feet, 4 bunk beds(TWIN), lockers, shelving units for clothes, a small wooden night stand, 2 standing/rotating fans(No A/C!!! What?!? And we are in Salvador...near the's 90 degrees outside)...5 roommates, 3 shared bathrooms with a house of 25 people?????!!!!???? Huh, yeah, not your average day at the "W" or the "Waldorf." Walking into this...I was very apprehensive. "Ooo can I go back home now? I don't know if I can live like this all the time." But see most of the natives know no other way. This is their life and that's why it is so beautiful. TUDO BEM!!! BELEZA! Now don't get me wrong it's a pretty spacious house and very clean. T?he staff makes sure it stays in perfect condition. Did I mention how beautiful and amazing they are? Ms. Laura(the cook) is fierce and Jo(her assistant) can throw down also...don't sleep! I had some slamming scrambled eggs this morning. And guess what? They had no cheese in them. And I LOVE me some CHEESE IN MY EGGS. But this morning, not an ounce. Ms. Laura seasoned those eggs to perfection. I think if I added cheese, it would have destroyed the taste. This is great. So yeah, back to the rooms...I was so unsure. However, just thinking about how fortunate I am put everything into perspective. And in that moment I decided to release my current uncertainties and accept the lifestyle of living here in Salvador.
So here I am sitting on my bottom bunk, which is actually pretty comfy and the natural breeze is pretty nice. Here I take the time to write as my journey continues to unfold. Well it's time for a nap, and then to the beach...Nice......
My advice for Growth:
"Get out of your own HEAD
and Get out of your own WAY!"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Life in Salvador...Pt.2

What up everyone? Wow it is really difficult to get to the internet. There use to be a computer in the house, but they got rid of it. So, we have to walk about 15 minutes to the internet cafe, which is really nice, but in the heat it is not CUTE!!! I am not complaining though because I am getting my workout(Chris L. I´m sure you are pleased to hear that.....He´s my trainer ya´ll...the man knows his sh!$....he´s really good...check him out at Crunch if you can.) So yeah, the walk to the internet cafe is no joke. There is this major hill that we must walk up in order to get to one of the main roads. I mean this hill is MAJOR!!! I do sprints up the hill every morning(aren´t you proud of me Chris?) However, I can´t make it to the very´s a killer. Well, I can´t believe that this is my last week. I would love to stay a few more weeks. I am actually considering returning next year for a much longer time. I will be looking for support and sponsors to help with my tuition for the program. Oh! if I have not said it before....THANK everyone who supported me financially on this mission. You will definitely be blessed tenfold. And those who were not able to problem. I still love you. Maybe you can help me next year. My kids are so great. We took a few of them to the beach on Tuesday and they had a blast. There spirits were just lifted even more. They were so well behaved, and I felt like a kid again. I would take the little ones, who can´t swim, the deep end. They would scream a little , but I assured them that they were safe with me. It still saddens me to know that most of the kids have no families, and that this hospital is there´s all they know. I spoke with kid...I´ll call him `C`. He´s about 10 years old. I asked him if he has ever been to the US. `C`said no. Then I asked had he ever been outside of Salvador. With a really sad face `C`said, Í´ve never been anywhere.` It brought a little tear to my eye. I would love to bring him home with me, and show him how beautiful life can be. `C`is a really good kid. Very smart, and he has a lot of energy. Maybe one day he will be able to travel and see the world outside Salvador. Well I must go now. There is a discussion tonight on one of Salvador´s most sacred religion. I love you all. Thank you all for reading my blog and posting comments.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 1

Ok. Ok. So I was planning on writing the day after I landed, but everything was happening so fast. My flight took almost 24 hours because I had a connection in Miami, with a 3 hour layover, and connection in Sao Paulo with a 4 hour layover. Finally I arrived Sunday morning at 4:45AM. Yes I was tired, but I needed to take a shower before I got some rest. When I arrived at the CCS house everyone was sleep, except for the 24 hour doorman, the driver, and the cooks whom just arrived as well. The first 4 people I met were Alindo(1 of the drivers), Renato(1 of the doormen), Laura(Ms. Laura can throw down in the kitchen) and Jo(don´t sleep on Ms. Jo, 'cause not only can she cook, but she can bake a mean cake!!!). They are some of the nicest people I´ve ever met, and we all help each other with the language(Portuguese and English). They are all of African descent as well. Did you guys know that 80% of the Salvador population is Black? is so beautiful. We went to the market the other day, and I felt like I was in an African village. The Black Brasilians are so rooted in their African culture and history. This is definitely a life changing experience on the cultural end. My purpose for coming here is to give back to this struggling community. While I am doing that, I'm getting more knowledge than I anticipated. I challenge each and everyone of you to take on an experience of this level. Now I haven´t even begun to talk about my experience at my! I will speak more in depth about my experience there as the week goes on, but let me say how I am so glad that I chose to come to Salvador, Bahia to work with these kids. My kids(yes MY kids...I feel like they are all mine) need my help. These kids are not only suffering with physical illnesses(which, by the way, most of them are in good health), they are also suffering with a lot of emotional and physchological trauma. Such as abandonment, rejection, and self esteem issues. The kids live in this hospital(which makes the worse hospitals in The States look like 5star hotels) that is in such poor condition. It is really sad. They have no families and no where else to go. However, it puts a smile on my face when I see how excited they are to see the volunteers, and when they all play well and share. You all really need to be here to experience this. This isn´t the only site for volunteer services in Salvador. They are other sites that CCS provide volunteer services for. Well I´m gonna run now. I just finshed with work, and I need to relax on the beach. We had a very rough day at CASAAH. The kids started off very melancholy, but then some of them just sort of got really needy and lonely, and began to act out a little aggressively.

Tchau Meu amigos a amigas

PS....Check back later for Brief journal entries about my stay in Brazil

Excerpts from ENTRY 2/11/06

On the dawn of my departure, I leave my house. Leaving good and joy filled memories behind...people I´ll miss over the course of 2 weeks, but will be thrilled to see their faces when I return. I think about what a wonderful place I am in now. A year ago....I was steadily recovering from being hospitalized with depression, schizophression?, psychosis??, bipolar syndrome???. ...Hmm, what else??? Yes, I was diagnosed with just about every mental illness there was. You really would have thought I was "crazy." In the end, after a few sessions with a more skilled professional, I was officially diagnosed with chronic depression. I could deal with that. I understood what I was going through and was dealing with. I was nowhere near crazy. I could live with that. And that´s what I´ve been doing...."LIVING." My days have been so so good. I mean I don´t even know where to begin. My spirit has been renewed completely. And this morning, I knew I was in the right place and this experience is the right time for me..................

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What is going On People??!!??

It's Thursday and I have mad errands to run. I'm getting ready to embark upon my cultural exchange in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Yes, on Saturday I will be boarding my flight to Salvador. I will be there for 2 weeks. Now, let me tell you exactly what I'll be doing. I'm a volunteer for Cross Cultural Solutions( CCS provides a list of volunteer services and aid in several third world countries globally. I chose Bahia because I love Brazil and I love the culture I had the opportunity to visit Rio De Janeiro, twice, within the past 3 years. I was blown away by the country the minute I stepped off the plane. Words cannot express how I felt...and those of you who know me, know that I love to play with words. Well upon my return, a fellow friend/coworker, saw a complete positive change in me. She was like, "Cornelius you saw something there. You were enlightened." And that's so true. I came back a new spirit. My friend, knowing that I was dying to get back, and knowing how much of a humanitarian I am, suggested that I research CCS. She handed me a small introductory brochure, and after that I was determined to follow through.
Well here I am almost 3 years later beginning my mission. While in Salvador, I will be volunteering at the CAASAH House. It's a support house for infant, children, and adults who are all infected with HIV/AIDS virus, some of who come from the streets to live in the house. I'll be assisting with feeding, bathing, and clothing the infants and children, as well as playing games and doing extra-curricular activities with them. And I will assist the staff in organizing and facilitating daily activities for the adults. I know it's going to be hard work, but I'm ready for the challenge. I'm sure it'll be life changing for me as well. I need to finish packing, get my finances in order, pack my puppy's(Boogie) bag, call my broker, buy a carry on....just stuff....How is your day?
"When old Dreams die,
New ones are Created...
So never Lose your Joy and Life
in LIFE"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones