Thursday, February 16, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 1

Ok. Ok. So I was planning on writing the day after I landed, but everything was happening so fast. My flight took almost 24 hours because I had a connection in Miami, with a 3 hour layover, and connection in Sao Paulo with a 4 hour layover. Finally I arrived Sunday morning at 4:45AM. Yes I was tired, but I needed to take a shower before I got some rest. When I arrived at the CCS house everyone was sleep, except for the 24 hour doorman, the driver, and the cooks whom just arrived as well. The first 4 people I met were Alindo(1 of the drivers), Renato(1 of the doormen), Laura(Ms. Laura can throw down in the kitchen) and Jo(don´t sleep on Ms. Jo, 'cause not only can she cook, but she can bake a mean cake!!!). They are some of the nicest people I´ve ever met, and we all help each other with the language(Portuguese and English). They are all of African descent as well. Did you guys know that 80% of the Salvador population is Black? is so beautiful. We went to the market the other day, and I felt like I was in an African village. The Black Brasilians are so rooted in their African culture and history. This is definitely a life changing experience on the cultural end. My purpose for coming here is to give back to this struggling community. While I am doing that, I'm getting more knowledge than I anticipated. I challenge each and everyone of you to take on an experience of this level. Now I haven´t even begun to talk about my experience at my! I will speak more in depth about my experience there as the week goes on, but let me say how I am so glad that I chose to come to Salvador, Bahia to work with these kids. My kids(yes MY kids...I feel like they are all mine) need my help. These kids are not only suffering with physical illnesses(which, by the way, most of them are in good health), they are also suffering with a lot of emotional and physchological trauma. Such as abandonment, rejection, and self esteem issues. The kids live in this hospital(which makes the worse hospitals in The States look like 5star hotels) that is in such poor condition. It is really sad. They have no families and no where else to go. However, it puts a smile on my face when I see how excited they are to see the volunteers, and when they all play well and share. You all really need to be here to experience this. This isn´t the only site for volunteer services in Salvador. They are other sites that CCS provide volunteer services for. Well I´m gonna run now. I just finshed with work, and I need to relax on the beach. We had a very rough day at CASAAH. The kids started off very melancholy, but then some of them just sort of got really needy and lonely, and began to act out a little aggressively.

Tchau Meu amigos a amigas

PS....Check back later for Brief journal entries about my stay in Brazil

Excerpts from ENTRY 2/11/06

On the dawn of my departure, I leave my house. Leaving good and joy filled memories behind...people I´ll miss over the course of 2 weeks, but will be thrilled to see their faces when I return. I think about what a wonderful place I am in now. A year ago....I was steadily recovering from being hospitalized with depression, schizophression?, psychosis??, bipolar syndrome???. ...Hmm, what else??? Yes, I was diagnosed with just about every mental illness there was. You really would have thought I was "crazy." In the end, after a few sessions with a more skilled professional, I was officially diagnosed with chronic depression. I could deal with that. I understood what I was going through and was dealing with. I was nowhere near crazy. I could live with that. And that´s what I´ve been doing...."LIVING." My days have been so so good. I mean I don´t even know where to begin. My spirit has been renewed completely. And this morning, I knew I was in the right place and this experience is the right time for me..................

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