Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why I have not Blogged???

Forgive me everyone. Life just takes you on a roller coaster at times. I am still alive. I have been caught up into the world of myspace. Check me out on myspace if you'd like. www.myspace.com/lifejonesproductions. All is well with me. The cabaret was a success, Broadway Bares was phenomonal, and I'm moving on to the next thing. Stay tuned......

I am looking for ideas for a one-man show. I'm in the process of working on that. So, if you have any ideas, please email me.

I leave you with this for the week:

We only have this moment. So why wait to see what's
behind door 2 or 3, when what is meant for you,
in this moment,
is waiting for you behind door 1.
Some say, "the best things come to those who wait..."
I say, practice patience, but take action, and don't get
caught up into waiting too long because
you might just miss it.
We only have this moment...
if the moment is good...
Don't Fight it.
-Cornelius "Life" Jones
Yes ya'll! I found someone very special. And had I waited too long...or assumed that something better was coming...I would be that dog that's chasing his tail. The cycle would continue to repeat. Love was right in front of me, and I'm happy I saw it clearly. So, why I have not blogged???? Oh...I've been cultivating new artistic ideas, and cultivating a new partnership.

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