Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Something to THINK about Today

So the thought....or "question" of the day is FOOD and it's consistency.

Don't you just love it when you can go to your favorite restaurant, and get your favorite dish? You know, the one you always end up ordering, whenever you try to find something new, but just can't decide...."Good Ole Faithful."
But doesn't it piss you off when it just doesn't taste as good as it taste 3 days ago. Damn!!!! The consistency in food sometimes burns me up. I took a friend to one of my favorite restaurants a couple weeks ago. I was just raving about the food. Well, my friend loved it, but I was disappointed. My dish was not up to standards. So I got to thinking...what is the most consistent and most reliable "comfort" food? Something that will never go wrong. No matter what time of day or hour you eat it...and no matter how long it takes to prepare it????


My answer.........A GOOD ole' Bowl of CEREAL........Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be exact. See, I have never been failed by Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I mean when food fails me...family fails me....friends fail me...boy/girlfriends fail me...when my own pet fails me...and lawdy you know times must be rough because my pets are considered 100% guaranteed unconditional love. Anyhow....I can always rely on my good ole' Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's love is so consistent...24/7...365 days a year.

Have a good day Ya'll...and Go out and I have a bowl of Cereal. You want be disappointed.

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