Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 9

Goodafternoon everyone. Today is going well for me. I did some background work on "One Life To Live" this morning. I must say this was the quickest on camera gig I have ever done. We were done in like 20 minutes. I was a photographer in one of the scenes. Tune in to "One Life To Live," and you may be able to see my debut performance. Now don't get me confused with the other brownskin photographer....I'm the shortest brownskin may be able to get a quick glimpse of the back of my cleanly cut and lined head...or you may be able to catch my caramel brown hand cupping this huge 35mm camera. HEY YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE...RIGHT!

I got some shocking news yesterday about a family member. Don't worry, all is good. Just send some good energy out there for me and my family. Life can really take you for a world wind. It can also speed by like the NY Subway system. I won't go further into detail about what is going on, only to respect the privacy of my family, but lets not forget to nurture our Young Ones...they need all the love, support, and help that we can give them. They need Guidance, and a Clear Direction. None of us are perfect and we make mistakes. But we need to educate the Youth, share with them our downfalls in life, communicate with them, let them know that they are ok, and hopefully they will listen and learn to make wiser decisions in life.

Have any of you heard of the Tahitian Noni Juice? Well I've been drinking it since January, and I've have been in such a great mood, and a clear frame of mind, and my energy has been lifted. It's becoming really popular, and it has so many health benefits. I can go on and on, but you have to just try it for yourself. Let me know if you are interested, I have some contacts...I'll hook you up.

Well this is the second to last Journal entry. I was amazed at how much I wrote. I'm actually going to(when I get some downtime) print a hardcopy, in book format, of my Journal entries. I know some of my friends and family are not really into the online thing, so the book would be perfect for them. Hmmmm...let me know who would be interested in that. Is that something you would be interested in reading? And then I could also do like a mini picture book on top of that??? does that sound. That thought just came to me. I would love to hear your feedback. Enjoy and continue to have a good week.

Journal Entry 2/24/06
Wow, my time is really coming to an end. My last night is tomorrow. I had so so so much fun in my bloco last night. I didn't get home until 6:30AM today. I was dancing all night long...from 1AM to 6AM. Woa!!! That was crazy! And I still reported to work, which was my last day. I told "M" that today was my last day, and that I would be going back to the United States, but I don't think he really understood. I will definitely come back next year to visit him. I would love to adopt the young fella. He's an adorable kid, and so is "L". They are my favorites. The kids taught me so much. I learned new words in Portuguese and the correct grammar, all from the kids.
A thought in between recapping my day:
So I realized that within the black community, in Salvador, there is a lot of who sleep with men. I was cruised and had conversations with a few men, whom wanted to engage in sex. Of course it was tempting, and I was partially not opposed to it...I'm human...the men here are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L...I don't know who spat them out...My Goodness!! However, these same exact men were the ones, I observed picking up females on the beach, in bars, in clubs and even some of my fellow colleagues. So it had me thinking about the HIV/AIDS rate in Brasil. I mean, part of my mission is serving in this small community of HIV/AIDS affected individuals. But there are other communities, not only in Salvador, but all over Brasil that have been affected by the AIDS crisis. So, I became really observant to life outside of the hospital. I was constantly wondering why so many of the kids ended up in CAASAH. I mean, Brasilians are so free here...I Love inhibitions, but on the flipside it's a little dangerous. I guess the DL phenomenon is not only an American thing, which we know, in the States, is one of the leading causes to the increase in HIV infection rates. Especially in the black community. I had conversations with some of these guys, mainly Afro-Brasilians, and it was interesting to hear what they shared. Hmmm....more HIV/AIDS awareness is needed here, and the DL/bisexual lifestyle needs to be discussed here in Salvador.
Well my bloco was so much fun last night. I truly got my "LIFE." Man I danced in the parade from 1AM to 6AM nonstop. I was on fire!!! I had this crazy adrenaline rush. It was like...the world was mine. It felt so good to be alive. It was like the hugest payoff, for such an amazing 2 weeks, of bringing joy to my kids life. I wish I could stay longer. I don't want to go home to the grind...this is Paradise...this is Living. Putting in good deeds and rewarding yourself the way you like. I am not ashamed of anything...not ashamed of my likes and and long as I am comfortable with it...who gives a...!!! I love LIFE, I love Brasil, the language, the beach, the men, my Black people here...My Family...My Ancestors...they are here I can feel it. Man, I am such on a high right now, and I don't even do drugs...The way I feel I never need to do drugs. Just went off into a tangent, which is all good. But back to the was the Mascarados Bloco with singer Margareth Menezes. She was the bomb! She sang "Festa." I lost it! I love that song. Well for one, it was a song that I was familiar with, and it is a fierce party song. I'm going to enroll in some Samba classes. I have to get that lil hip action the Brasilians have going's real cute. I will return next year, and do the Mascarados bloco it up!!! I mean all that energy is amazing. Just people...out in the streets, singing and dancing...hanging out windows....Just proud of their culture. I got winks and kisses from everyone...Men and Women....Just free spirited.
Another thought in between recapping my day:
About 4 days ago, A newborn arrived. He or She had to be no more than 2 weeks old. A new adult female, had arrived to the hospital as well. This young lady was the baby's mom. She had to be no more than 24. She was so sad. She was in tears as she walked back and forth, embracing her newborn child, as she was embraced and comforted by a volunteer nurse. I noticed the nurse began to pray with her. Sad to watch, but beautiful to know that she will live, and her baby will have LIFE as well. I know it...I have hope.

"Surrender to Self-Love"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

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