Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 9

Goodmorning. So what has everyone been up to? Busy, Busy, Busy...I'm sure. Everyone has projects going on...I love it. Ya'll are DRIVEN!!! So can I just tell you about my Monday. It was definitely an off day for me. So I had a 2nd callback for the role of Daddy in "Sweet Charity." The show is going out on tour later this year. It went well, but I had some off moments. I guess every audition can't be the best. I actually needed that because it humbled me. Somedays, your body and brain will just tell you NO, and you must give in. Well, my Monday actually started at 6:30AM. Yes, I was up that early. I was getting ready for rehearsal for my upcoming showcase. Well we met at 8AM, and rehearsed until 10:30AM. My callback was at 11AM. I had a photo shoot scheduled for noonish, and I had to report back to the callback, to sing and read sides, at 5PM. A day right??!!!?? Well, at the 11AM call, we learned a new combination, which was easy. However, when it was time for my group to dance the "Brass Band" combination...I just blanked!!!! What happened??? I don't know, my brain said GOODBYE. So I laughed it off, and asked to go in the following group. They let me dance in the next group. It was better, but not my best. Well....what can you!$ happens...right? And you can't turn back time. Just "Dust Yourself off and Try Again." So, we then danced "The Frug" combination. Of course I had to redeem myself. And ya'll I HIT IT!!! I was on POINT!!! Hopefully my "Frug" combination erased their memory of my "Brass Band" combination. Wow, the life of auditioning. Well, after the audition was over, I dashed to the photo shoot for the cabaret. I was an hour late. We nailed the photo shoot in 30minutes, and I must say we have some nice shots. Save the date ya'll...Monday, May 22, 7PM&9PM @ The Triad on 72nd St...I'm doing a cabaret with 3 graduating seniors from my University. It's going to be hot, and I'm enjoying working with them. It's very's like I'm giving back, and sharing the knowledge, and growing as an individual. So the photo shoot went well. I then nourished my mind and body and went back to sing and read. Well, I turned it out. However, I started singing the wrong verse at the top of my song....OH LAWDY!!! What was going on? Hmmm...maybe too much stuff in one day. Yeah Me being "Mr. Busy" in the words of James Brown III and Jason Jarrod Lewis. Well, I was a good sport. I laughed it off, and said, "Ummm...give me a second...let's back up again...ok Take 2." The Producers and Directors thought I was so hilarious. Well I got back on track and turned it out. They seemed extremely pleased. I actually had a lot of fun, and I'm glad that I took my time to back up, and start again. It was my audition, and I wanted to be as polished as I could. Well....You have those days...YUP. Just give it room, pick the pieces up, and start again.

Well, I am almost at the end of my CCS Experience in Bahia. There are about 3 journal entries left. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the journal entries. It's been so refreshing to be able to share my experience with all of you. Enjoy this entry and have a great week and weekend.

Journal Entry 2/22/06
There has been a lot of great things going on. Where do I begin? I'll focus on what I have to do today....ummm.... Internet Cafe, get a costume for Carnival, exchange cash, buy more souvenirs...something for Joe Joe and Cliff. I may have to skip the tour today. There is so much that I have to do because I'll be leaving soon. So recap on yesterday...We took a few of the kids to the beach. It was so much fun. They were all so well behaved. Except for "L". "L" is actually deaf. She got a little out of hand while playing. But she didn't know any better. She gulped down a lot of salt water, and the she spat on me with a mouth full of water. She thought it was amusing, but I didn't. So I quickly reprimanded here. Anyhow, all the kids were having a ball. It felt so good to see them so happy. I mean being cooped up in that hospital 24/7 is not a good life. They were free. Heck, I felt free. It's almost like prison. I mean, I've never been locked up before, but I'm assuming that's what it felt like. Actually, it reminded me off being hospitalized last year, due to my emotional breakdown. I felt so trapped in the hospital. I was screaming to get out. So I can just imaging what the kids and adults go through. I mean I was only there for about 10 days. They have been there for years. Well, I had a lot of fun with my kids. Again, it was so refreshing to see them playing outside. They love to get out. You can tell by the change in their mood and personality. It's good for them. "J", "E", and "C" were having a ball. Not one fight. The older girls were having a great time as well. Of the older girls, there is "C", she's 15, and "M", whom reminds me of my niece, she's 12. A big and healthy looking 12 year old. "M" loves the water and loves swimming in the deep end. She is really good...she needs to be on an Olympic swim team. "C" is the best swimmer of the younger ones. I carried "E", "J", and "C" to the deep. They were all scared, but I assured them that I had them. It was actually kind of fun taunting them. It brought back childhood memories of my brother and me, and the boys from the neighborhood. My kids are truly bringing out my inner child, and everything is so stress free. I love it!
Well after placement we traveled to this historic Catholic Church and headed to the mall to purchase our Carnival tickets. Carnival is a huge part of the Brasilian culture.
Oh....I didn't write about Monday's visit to the Afro-Brasilian museum. I got so much info from the Museum. I was also shocked when I discovered that my lineage/my tribe/my ancestors may be from West Africa...Benin to be exact. There was a map that showed, where the African slaves were deported, during the slave trade. There was a tribe from Benin that was split between North and South America. One half was sent to Salvador and the other half was sent to Richmond, VA, my hometown. This was so interesting. I will do my research when I get back home to see how accurate this is. Wow man! Whew!!!!
Well it's time to eat.
"At First You Don't Succeed...Dust Yourself Off And Try Again"
-Aaliyah - R.I.P.

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