Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Life in Salvador...Pt.2

What up everyone? Wow it is really difficult to get to the internet. There use to be a computer in the house, but they got rid of it. So, we have to walk about 15 minutes to the internet cafe, which is really nice, but in the heat it is not CUTE!!! I am not complaining though because I am getting my workout(Chris L. I´m sure you are pleased to hear that.....He´s my trainer ya´ll...the man knows his sh!$....he´s really good...check him out at Crunch if you can.) So yeah, the walk to the internet cafe is no joke. There is this major hill that we must walk up in order to get to one of the main roads. I mean this hill is MAJOR!!! I do sprints up the hill every morning(aren´t you proud of me Chris?) However, I can´t make it to the very´s a killer. Well, I can´t believe that this is my last week. I would love to stay a few more weeks. I am actually considering returning next year for a much longer time. I will be looking for support and sponsors to help with my tuition for the program. Oh! if I have not said it before....THANK everyone who supported me financially on this mission. You will definitely be blessed tenfold. And those who were not able to problem. I still love you. Maybe you can help me next year. My kids are so great. We took a few of them to the beach on Tuesday and they had a blast. There spirits were just lifted even more. They were so well behaved, and I felt like a kid again. I would take the little ones, who can´t swim, the deep end. They would scream a little , but I assured them that they were safe with me. It still saddens me to know that most of the kids have no families, and that this hospital is there´s all they know. I spoke with kid...I´ll call him `C`. He´s about 10 years old. I asked him if he has ever been to the US. `C`said no. Then I asked had he ever been outside of Salvador. With a really sad face `C`said, Í´ve never been anywhere.` It brought a little tear to my eye. I would love to bring him home with me, and show him how beautiful life can be. `C`is a really good kid. Very smart, and he has a lot of energy. Maybe one day he will be able to travel and see the world outside Salvador. Well I must go now. There is a discussion tonight on one of Salvador´s most sacred religion. I love you all. Thank you all for reading my blog and posting comments.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Corny! Sounds like you are having an amazing experience. Working with children brings out a type of passion I haven't seen in you. I'm so proud of you for not only the work you are doing but the personal journey you are taking. You know I'm counting on you to be "Uncle Corny" :-)

Lots of love,