Monday, February 27, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 3

Hey ya'll. So I am sitting in the American Airlines Admirals Club...who do I think I am?!!!? I love it !! I left Salvador at around 3AM. I really did not want to leave. I was really sad. I'm sure you all know, about that feeling you use to get as a kid, when it was time to go home, after a wonderful break. Obviously this wasn't a vacation, but I really became attached to my environment in Salvador. I'll return soon. Ya'll Salvador is AFRICA!!! I swear I have ancestors there. There are so many things I must tell you about Salvador, but you have to read my daily journal entries to find out. WEll, I'm going to rap this one up. I miss everyone. I'm back!!!
oh... I'm sort of backing up in my journal entries. So don't be confused if I repeat something.

Excerpts from Journal Entry 2/12/06
....Talk about stepping out on faith. The people here are all from different walks of life. We have a 17 year old here...17!!!??!!! Wow! I felt so old when he told me that. Wow! I remember 17, but that was years ago. And although I was a very focused 17 year old...focusing on the right college at that time...I was still running the streets. Not once did I even consider to just volunteer in something as amazing as this. I mean, the good thing, is that I'm doing it right now. We also have two guys here over my age and older. Wow. This is a great thing we're all doing with our lives. I have to admit though, when I first walked in the house and noticed the room situation, I was like, "What...are you serious?" My room.....Quarto 6, about 10x14 feet, 4 bunk beds(TWIN), lockers, shelving units for clothes, a small wooden night stand, 2 standing/rotating fans(No A/C!!! What?!? And we are in Salvador...near the's 90 degrees outside)...5 roommates, 3 shared bathrooms with a house of 25 people?????!!!!???? Huh, yeah, not your average day at the "W" or the "Waldorf." Walking into this...I was very apprehensive. "Ooo can I go back home now? I don't know if I can live like this all the time." But see most of the natives know no other way. This is their life and that's why it is so beautiful. TUDO BEM!!! BELEZA! Now don't get me wrong it's a pretty spacious house and very clean. T?he staff makes sure it stays in perfect condition. Did I mention how beautiful and amazing they are? Ms. Laura(the cook) is fierce and Jo(her assistant) can throw down also...don't sleep! I had some slamming scrambled eggs this morning. And guess what? They had no cheese in them. And I LOVE me some CHEESE IN MY EGGS. But this morning, not an ounce. Ms. Laura seasoned those eggs to perfection. I think if I added cheese, it would have destroyed the taste. This is great. So yeah, back to the rooms...I was so unsure. However, just thinking about how fortunate I am put everything into perspective. And in that moment I decided to release my current uncertainties and accept the lifestyle of living here in Salvador.
So here I am sitting on my bottom bunk, which is actually pretty comfy and the natural breeze is pretty nice. Here I take the time to write as my journey continues to unfold. Well it's time for a nap, and then to the beach...Nice......
My advice for Growth:
"Get out of your own HEAD
and Get out of your own WAY!"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Life in Salvador...Pt.2

What up everyone? Wow it is really difficult to get to the internet. There use to be a computer in the house, but they got rid of it. So, we have to walk about 15 minutes to the internet cafe, which is really nice, but in the heat it is not CUTE!!! I am not complaining though because I am getting my workout(Chris L. I´m sure you are pleased to hear that.....He´s my trainer ya´ll...the man knows his sh!$....he´s really good...check him out at Crunch if you can.) So yeah, the walk to the internet cafe is no joke. There is this major hill that we must walk up in order to get to one of the main roads. I mean this hill is MAJOR!!! I do sprints up the hill every morning(aren´t you proud of me Chris?) However, I can´t make it to the very´s a killer. Well, I can´t believe that this is my last week. I would love to stay a few more weeks. I am actually considering returning next year for a much longer time. I will be looking for support and sponsors to help with my tuition for the program. Oh! if I have not said it before....THANK everyone who supported me financially on this mission. You will definitely be blessed tenfold. And those who were not able to problem. I still love you. Maybe you can help me next year. My kids are so great. We took a few of them to the beach on Tuesday and they had a blast. There spirits were just lifted even more. They were so well behaved, and I felt like a kid again. I would take the little ones, who can´t swim, the deep end. They would scream a little , but I assured them that they were safe with me. It still saddens me to know that most of the kids have no families, and that this hospital is there´s all they know. I spoke with kid...I´ll call him `C`. He´s about 10 years old. I asked him if he has ever been to the US. `C`said no. Then I asked had he ever been outside of Salvador. With a really sad face `C`said, Í´ve never been anywhere.` It brought a little tear to my eye. I would love to bring him home with me, and show him how beautiful life can be. `C`is a really good kid. Very smart, and he has a lot of energy. Maybe one day he will be able to travel and see the world outside Salvador. Well I must go now. There is a discussion tonight on one of Salvador´s most sacred religion. I love you all. Thank you all for reading my blog and posting comments.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"LIFE" in Salvador...Pt. 1

Ok. Ok. So I was planning on writing the day after I landed, but everything was happening so fast. My flight took almost 24 hours because I had a connection in Miami, with a 3 hour layover, and connection in Sao Paulo with a 4 hour layover. Finally I arrived Sunday morning at 4:45AM. Yes I was tired, but I needed to take a shower before I got some rest. When I arrived at the CCS house everyone was sleep, except for the 24 hour doorman, the driver, and the cooks whom just arrived as well. The first 4 people I met were Alindo(1 of the drivers), Renato(1 of the doormen), Laura(Ms. Laura can throw down in the kitchen) and Jo(don´t sleep on Ms. Jo, 'cause not only can she cook, but she can bake a mean cake!!!). They are some of the nicest people I´ve ever met, and we all help each other with the language(Portuguese and English). They are all of African descent as well. Did you guys know that 80% of the Salvador population is Black? is so beautiful. We went to the market the other day, and I felt like I was in an African village. The Black Brasilians are so rooted in their African culture and history. This is definitely a life changing experience on the cultural end. My purpose for coming here is to give back to this struggling community. While I am doing that, I'm getting more knowledge than I anticipated. I challenge each and everyone of you to take on an experience of this level. Now I haven´t even begun to talk about my experience at my! I will speak more in depth about my experience there as the week goes on, but let me say how I am so glad that I chose to come to Salvador, Bahia to work with these kids. My kids(yes MY kids...I feel like they are all mine) need my help. These kids are not only suffering with physical illnesses(which, by the way, most of them are in good health), they are also suffering with a lot of emotional and physchological trauma. Such as abandonment, rejection, and self esteem issues. The kids live in this hospital(which makes the worse hospitals in The States look like 5star hotels) that is in such poor condition. It is really sad. They have no families and no where else to go. However, it puts a smile on my face when I see how excited they are to see the volunteers, and when they all play well and share. You all really need to be here to experience this. This isn´t the only site for volunteer services in Salvador. They are other sites that CCS provide volunteer services for. Well I´m gonna run now. I just finshed with work, and I need to relax on the beach. We had a very rough day at CASAAH. The kids started off very melancholy, but then some of them just sort of got really needy and lonely, and began to act out a little aggressively.

Tchau Meu amigos a amigas

PS....Check back later for Brief journal entries about my stay in Brazil

Excerpts from ENTRY 2/11/06

On the dawn of my departure, I leave my house. Leaving good and joy filled memories behind...people I´ll miss over the course of 2 weeks, but will be thrilled to see their faces when I return. I think about what a wonderful place I am in now. A year ago....I was steadily recovering from being hospitalized with depression, schizophression?, psychosis??, bipolar syndrome???. ...Hmm, what else??? Yes, I was diagnosed with just about every mental illness there was. You really would have thought I was "crazy." In the end, after a few sessions with a more skilled professional, I was officially diagnosed with chronic depression. I could deal with that. I understood what I was going through and was dealing with. I was nowhere near crazy. I could live with that. And that´s what I´ve been doing...."LIVING." My days have been so so good. I mean I don´t even know where to begin. My spirit has been renewed completely. And this morning, I knew I was in the right place and this experience is the right time for me..................

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What is going On People??!!??

It's Thursday and I have mad errands to run. I'm getting ready to embark upon my cultural exchange in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Yes, on Saturday I will be boarding my flight to Salvador. I will be there for 2 weeks. Now, let me tell you exactly what I'll be doing. I'm a volunteer for Cross Cultural Solutions( CCS provides a list of volunteer services and aid in several third world countries globally. I chose Bahia because I love Brazil and I love the culture I had the opportunity to visit Rio De Janeiro, twice, within the past 3 years. I was blown away by the country the minute I stepped off the plane. Words cannot express how I felt...and those of you who know me, know that I love to play with words. Well upon my return, a fellow friend/coworker, saw a complete positive change in me. She was like, "Cornelius you saw something there. You were enlightened." And that's so true. I came back a new spirit. My friend, knowing that I was dying to get back, and knowing how much of a humanitarian I am, suggested that I research CCS. She handed me a small introductory brochure, and after that I was determined to follow through.
Well here I am almost 3 years later beginning my mission. While in Salvador, I will be volunteering at the CAASAH House. It's a support house for infant, children, and adults who are all infected with HIV/AIDS virus, some of who come from the streets to live in the house. I'll be assisting with feeding, bathing, and clothing the infants and children, as well as playing games and doing extra-curricular activities with them. And I will assist the staff in organizing and facilitating daily activities for the adults. I know it's going to be hard work, but I'm ready for the challenge. I'm sure it'll be life changing for me as well. I need to finish packing, get my finances in order, pack my puppy's(Boogie) bag, call my broker, buy a carry on....just stuff....How is your day?
"When old Dreams die,
New ones are Created...
So never Lose your Joy and Life
in LIFE"
-Cornelius "Life" Jones