Friday, February 02, 2007

2007 is Off and Poppin'

Happy 2007! Yes I am finally back to blogging. I guess it's a good thing if you don't hear from me in a while...'cause I've been busy! And busy, sometimes, can be extremely good.

Law & Order: SVU
- Thank you to everyone who tuned in on January 9th to watch my primetime debut on Law & Order: SVU. The show was HOT! For those of you who's all good! You can go to iTunes(for those of us who are caught up into the world of iMac & iPod's) and download it. Click on iStore, select TV Shows, then select NBC, followed by Law & Order: SVU, and finally select the episode entitled BURNED.

I just wanted to give a shout out to the many many tourists that drop into NYC, and especially the tourists who come to see Broadway shows during the Holidays. I call this part of my Blog....Tourist Appreciation. Sometimes Times Square drives me bolistic with the many many people, but I have to say Thank YOU, 'cause without your patronage we would not have consistent jobs on the Broadway. So THANK YOU TOURISTS for Supporting the BROADWAY Scene!!!!

A new addition to my blog in 2007:

The Poetry

Haiku (s)

"I would die for you"
We were, I was, oh so Young
thought I knew it all

"I would die for YOU"
The Power in that Statement
Oh, I was SO Young

- Cornelius "Life" Jones

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