Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Where you AT??? Where you AT???

What's up everyone!!! I'm here. I'm here. I've been caught up in the world of myspace again. But I've been working like crazy. I have a small business that I'm launching next month(details to follow), I have begun taking a memoir writing class, I'm still writing my book, still writing songs and poetry, and guess what!!!??????!!!! I'm going to be on Law & Order: SVU. I'll be portraying a Resident Doctor in the hospital scene, and the great Eric Lasalle will be directing this episode! I'm on my way Ya'll!!! I'll update you on the episode soon.

Well I just wanted to send some love to everyone. Hey! Let me know who is reading the blogs. Just send me a quick shot out. I would greatly appreciate that.

What do you guys think about my new business card image above??? Let me know.

If you haven't gotton out to The Public Theater to see Daniel Beaty in his show, "Emergence-See!" YA NEED TO GO NOW!!! What are you WAITIN' ON? It's a very very very powerful show. Please support this brother in his 1 man show as he portrays over 30 characters, telling his story about a father overcoming adversities, to rebuild his family/his community. Daniel tells this story through song, movement, and spoken word.

Before I leave, I just have to send prayers out to the family, and departed soul, of Michael Sandy. Michael, a 29 year old black male, recently became the falling victim of a Gay Bashing incident in NYC. This has got to stop. Hate Crimes are not a way to live. Let's rebuild our community, and take care of our Brothers and Sisters....Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Black, white, Latino, Asian...and I can go on. We only have each other guys. There are a lot of other people in this world who are out to get us, just because we are Americans. So we have to stick together and survive for each other. Let's not be our own enemy.

A personal note to "SELF"...let's be smart when we are online, doing the dating thing. I know it can be exciting, and scary all in one. Just be cautious and really screen these potential dates carefully. That's something we have to do on our own. And if you're feeling unsafe, lost, lonely, or whatever....call a friend....call someone.

I love all of you and thanks for reading my blog.


Anonymous said...

Hey Corny...great seeing you today..we definitely need to make it a regular thing!

I think the business card looks great!


C.R. Knight said...

that card is HOT HOT HOT!!!