Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New Headshot

More Haiku (s)

The Flame is burning
our desire to live
As one complete force

80 percent lust
in the beginning, but truth
lies in the 20

-Cornelius "Life" Jones

Friday, February 02, 2007

2007 is Off and Poppin'

Happy 2007! Yes I am finally back to blogging. I guess it's a good thing if you don't hear from me in a while...'cause I've been busy! And busy, sometimes, can be extremely good.

Law & Order: SVU
- Thank you to everyone who tuned in on January 9th to watch my primetime debut on Law & Order: SVU. The show was HOT! For those of you who missed....it's all good! You can go to iTunes(for those of us who are caught up into the world of iMac & iPod's) and download it. Click on iStore, select TV Shows, then select NBC, followed by Law & Order: SVU, and finally select the episode entitled BURNED.

I just wanted to give a shout out to the many many tourists that drop into NYC, and especially the tourists who come to see Broadway shows during the Holidays. I call this part of my Blog....Tourist Appreciation. Sometimes Times Square drives me bolistic with the many many people, but I have to say Thank YOU, 'cause without your patronage we would not have consistent jobs on the Broadway. So THANK YOU TOURISTS for Supporting the BROADWAY Scene!!!!

A new addition to my blog in 2007:

The Poetry

Haiku (s)

"I would die for you"
We were, I was, oh so Young
thought I knew it all

"I would die for YOU"
The Power in that Statement
Oh, I was SO Young

- Cornelius "Life" Jones